Having already compared the sheading of Middle with the fictitious Georgia backwater of Hazzard County we were especially interested to review the footage from the Middle hustings which was published by Gef the Mongoose yesterday. And of all the issues that stood out it was some of the views expressed on the Afghan refuge situation which we feel really show voters the sort of people that they're ultimately being asked to vote for.
We weren't expecting much different to the views expressed to be honest. Especially in relation to Mr Stu Peters a man already well-known for his Clarkson-esque world view and someone who excelled himself on Facebook in 2016 by making jaw-dropping references to "awkward and disruptive children" who "should be fed at home until they are capable of behaving properly" when commenting about autistic children who had been eating in a local restaurant. Statements which to this day still read like something straight out of a Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant script. But here Mr Peters merely sets the rather gammon-y scene for the Accidental Partridge to dive right into feet first.
Clip from Gef the Mongoose:
Timeline 1:25 to 3:43
Sporting a trouser and waistcoat combination that makes him look like some sort of demented Willy Wonka who has just taken his velvet jacket off after a hard days work at his Braddan-based Chocolate Factory - the Accidental Partridge that is David Fowler really manages to show the dangerous despot hidden within. Even dropping in suggestions that we might well see our airport and ferry terminal bombed if we were to offer any degree of compassion to Afghanistan's dispossessed.
Once more though its Keiran Super Hans Hannifin showing that he has the ability to talk about emotive issues like this in a calm and well reasoned way. Its a shame he's ran such a superficially poor campaign so far as he is the only candidate who could probably knock Peters off course from a comfy seat in Middle. But in relation to Fowler the man seems literally insane and will no doubt be back in the office at the Chocolate Factory today demanding that HR deports all the Oompa-Loompas back to Oompa-Loompa Land before they blow the place up!
Pictured: David Fowler demented Braddan Chocolate Factory owner

My comments in 2016 were critical of awkward (naughty) and disruptive children in restaurants. In the same post I applauded the parents of autistic children. I still believe parents should control naughty or disruptive children in public, and in particular in restaurants - but I'm old-fashioned in things like manners and good behaviour. And I still applaud the parents of children with any disorder, but in this case had the parent told the restaurant manager going in that their child (with no obvious signs of disability) was prone to outbursts, I'm sure the situation described would never have happened.