Another one we missed (largely because she talked a lot of sense; and we much prefer to focus on the ones that don't) is Kate Lord Brennan. But there seems to be some good stuff coming out of Peel and Glenfaba at present since she declared in April that she would be seeking a public mandate after several years as an MLC.
See Kate's announcement
It also looks like typical government myopia and incompetence has handed her the perfect election platform on a plate with her involvement with the Corrin Memorial Home debacle starting to look like very good tactics. The Corrin Home issue also quietly highlights a lot of problems with the current House to the voting public in that the radio silence from COMIN members, and Lord Brennan's immediate electoral rivals, Harmer and Boot is almost deafening clearly underlining that it is the obvious intention of COMIN to let this facility go to the wall with as little public debate or interaction as possible.
Elections are always won on local issues and the main USP Lord Brennan appears to have in her armoury is that she is neither Ray Harmer - a man who could have given Osama Bin Laden life extending tips on how to successfully stay off the public radar. Or Peel Pantomime Villain the Evil Baron Boot - a feudal overlord who probably rents out a town larger than Peel somewhere else in the world. Which should mean that she captures a significant amount of Western voters just from that alone without her rivals' clear disinterest in the biggest issue of concern in Peel creating a multiplier effect.
If it carries on like this they might even forget that Kate's being paid nearly £5,000 a month as an MLC to fight an election and also gets a load of free profile-pushing publicity that comes with her current role that other new candidates would have to buy and not ask her to stand down in advance!
