Funny as it seems Euro 2020 Final Day marks the announcement that unsuccessful 2016 candidate for Rushen Mark Kemp will once again stand in Rushen in 2021. Having received a very credible 1,104 votes last time around [which was 19% of the total vote] things really seem to be hotting up a bit again in the South. Having not got in last time we assume Mr Kemp then bought a ticket to the world. But now he's come back again. Thankfully he clearly hasn't found it hard to write the next line. And reading the brief Facebook synopsis of his main objectives its clear that he now wants the truth to be said!
The brief statement released so far does read like a sort of IOM News & Politics v Manxforums list of well tried and tested grievances, grumbles, and jibes at Tynwald, the civil service, disastrous capital projects, and the incompetent wider system of Manx public administration.
Some of the more controversial statements we summarise below:
Government needs reform from being run by cabals of civil servants
He wants to save people from years of laissez faire departmental practices
We have some well meaning politicians and also some very self interested ones
His negative predictions weren't well received last time; but many did come true
There are many imploding projects which represent huge capital expenditure
Everyone should be able to buy their own home
He will work hard to stop past Tynwald sins being repeated once more
He wants government to be proactive and seize the day
He also wants transparency and accountability
We need a sustainable & diversified Island economy and to do this we need to break down the government cabals and silos.
Comments on community spirit, lockdown spirit, focus on mental health, and other general Care Bear stuff that has been much liked in the post pandemic world.
All in all there isn't much to dislike so far and we look forward to reading his full manifesto in due course. Readers will recall that Mr Kemp very narrowly lost to Laurence Skelly last time round who has already declared that he won't be standing again in 2021 - which may well stop it slipping from his hands this time round.
Pictured: Mark Kemp 2021 candidate for Rushen who clearly went for a very long walk in his best suit in 2016.
