Standing in an election is all about optimising interaction with your voting audience and optimising things like the SEO around your online election content so that when potential voters search for you on Google or via Facebook they can access your policies and other material quickly and efficiently. Despite some of our recent criticism this is something candidates like Michael Josem do very well by drawing people to the right sort of online content quickly.
So having said that we now loop back to Middle's own cheeky ganjaman Super Hans and his rather scatter-gun marketing campaign that he himself seems to be undermining. For instance do a Google search on keiran+hannifin+isle+of+man and the first things that are ranked are some bad Facebook links to nothing much at all followed by [amongst several others] a 14 page genuine meltdown of a thread on Manx Forums where all the other contributors, with the exception of Hannifin and that forums moderator, are baiting him anonymously and very successfully.
These links currently rank higher than his Manx Radio and Paul Moulton YouTube interviews or election reportage from the likes of 3fm and other mainstream agencies.

Snapshot from Google search

We'd suggest that normally Google should be your friend.
If you want to appear professional so that people who search for you get to quickly see what you're about in a professional way we'd suggest the trick is not to allow yourself to get baited on any platform where only you come out looking like the idiot. The same also seems to happen in many searchable threads on closed Facebook Groups. Its a real shit-show out there that takes anyone less than 10 seconds to find. Its seldom going to look good to people who don't know you and who are searching for you in order to find out what you stand for and what your policies and views are.