Having said authoritatively just nine days previously that the Douglas Promenade works would be definitely completed by the end of August we now have the case of a baffled Professor Yaffle admitting to Paul Moulton that it now won't be finished by the end of August at all. Its almost like he thought that everyone actually believed him when as Minister responsible he said that it would!
So today we ask the voters of Ayre & Michael. On performance to date would you actually believe any word that comes out of the mouth of Tim Baker MHK when he visits your doorstep this election promising that he will do the things he lists in his manifesto over next five years?
Isle of Man TV interview with Tim Baker MHK:
We certainly recommend that readers watch this clip to just see the baffled and somewhat reality ignoring and exasperated way that Baker reacts when confronted by the evidence of his own abject failure and complete inability to rein any of this disastrous business-wrecking scheme in. Watching Mr Baker being interviewed live from the bombsite that is Douglas Promenade strangely reminded us of the US network interviews with Baghdad Bob [Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf] the equally reality ignoring Iraqi Minister of Information who during the 2003 invasion of Iraq amused the American news channels with such classics as "There are no American Infidels in Baghdad" and "They are not even within 100 miles [of Baghdad]" as the bombs reigned down around him and the tanks rolled past his office.
Mr Bakers reality ignoring interview in summary:
It will now definitely be the end of September [yes we believe you this time Tim]
I blame the contractor and I won't be resigning
We're going to make it look like we're now doing Auldyn a massive favour
I don't want to play the blame game [as that would mean I have to resign]
This scheme is investing in our future [even if all prom traders might be bankrupt before its completion]
The traders didn't really see the date categorically given to them by me as Minister as being a definitive date [so its ok because they knew I lied the last time I gave a date]
Ordinary people mocking the works don't understand what they're looking at
People on social media don't understand what they're commenting on [when pressed he then clearly doesn't want to explain any of the perception differences though]
He's doing a very tough job. He won't resign.
At the end he basically blames Ray Harmer by making it clear that he's only been there a year well after this scheme was drawn up and started
There is also a second interview linked to the above clip but honestly Professor Yaffle-waffle just gets so unbelievably tedious after a while we almost lost the will to live after this one.
Our prediction for the next few weeks given his track record to date and his complete and very public assurance that he will not be resigning over this is that .. he will shortly resign over this in order to try to salvage what's left of his reputation. So voters please do be sure to ask him whether he will be resigning over this when he knocks on your door.
Tim Baker MHK for Ayre and Michael

The person initially to blame for the somewhat calamitous promenade scheme was everyone's favorite fire starter general Mr Philip Gawne. It was he who started the insanity, and as soon as Mr Black had ruined his chances of re-election (by being the Minister for Incompetence), a hapless and somewhat hopeless Mr Harmer turns up, with all the political nouce of loganberry and started his journey on the road to political oblivion only to be 'rescued' and put into a very slightly less dangerous role of Minister for Completing Nothing... commonly known as Policy and Reform, a total misnomer if ever there was one. And then comes Prof. Yaffle... a man that makes Saddam Hussein's press attache Comical Ali look credi…