Taking concise election coverage to new heights Manx Radio manages to reduce its standard two-minutes with reportage down to a mere 48 seconds with Mr John Wannenburgh candidate for Douglas North. In fact its probably going to take regular readers longer to read this critique of the clip than to watch the actual clip itself.
Two-minutes with John Wannenburgh:
So ... we need people who are focused determined and able to deliver. I get things done and I'm straight talking. Thank you.
That's basically it!
Following on from this interview we very much look forward to reading Mr Wannenburg's manifesto. Probably written on the back of a postage stamp and still with enough space for a reply slip at the bottom. But we suppose that at least you won’t see him deliver it. On current performance all you'll probably see is his blurred shadow out of the corner of your eye like the speeding Superman and he'll be at least halfway down the next street before you even hear it hit the mat.
Meet John Wannenburg he's faster than a speeding bullet. He'll probably win Douglas North within 17 seconds of voting starting. He's that effective!
Pictured Mr John Wannenburgh no-nonsense candidate for Douglas North.
