Today sees Paul Moulton and Isle of Man TV interview Post Office Engineer Mikey Lee the most recently declared General Election candidate for Glenfaba and Peel. Interestingly at the start of the interview when challenged on policies Mr Lee promises to commit to absolutely nothing but communicating with people. In terms of his actual communication approach Mr Lee elaborates that he wants to communicate directly with people as he knows a lot of folk who don't have Facebook - but then again we suppose that's Peel for you. He probably also knows a fair number of people who are frightened by fire and who marvel at the power of God's electric voodoo every time they flick a light-switch. But at least this approach makes his manifesto fairly easy to produce - likely just a blank piece of paper with his name and phone number on it.
The full interview with Mikey Lee can be found here:
Admitting within the first minute that his brain has stopped working the remaining ten-minutes of hyper-parochial blandness doesn't really get much better from there on in. Mr Lee clearly wanted to be a Peel Commissioner but realised that there were too many people standing in the local elections and so decided to shoot for gold - despite clearly having no real action plan for anything or awareness of much that goes on outside of Peel. He does show off his Manx credentials though by referring to Foxdall - that faraway kingdom way off yonder which requires specialist traffic flow.
He also seems to have a strange obsession with sewerage by returning to the topic at least three times like the awkward political turd that simply won't flush.
When asked at the end of the interview which Department he thinks he would be best suited to Mr Lee confidently replies that he thinks that he could almost fit in anywhere. Which as a rather bland candidate with no real view on anything, no real policies to speak of, and little apparent awareness of anything that happens outside of the St John's boundary line we're sure he has genuine Ministerial potential within any Department.
So good luck in September Mikey Lee we wish you well and hope to read your manifesto in due course once you've thought of some things to put in it.
Pictured: Mikey Lee the local candidate for the local people of Glenfaba and Peel.
