Onchan isn't a place that figures in anything much so far when it comes to the 2021 General Election. The residents of the Islands blandest and most crime-ridden hamlet still seem to be far more focused on what their crooked bullying Onchan District Commissioners are doing than they are on the limited General Election options they have had so far. Yet in James Cherry we see that another former Onchan District Commissioner now wishes to follow in the illustrious footsteps of David Quirk and Rob Callister and achieve elevation from the Onchan little boys debating chamber where you sometimes get the chance to propeller your little willy around in private to the Douglas big boys club. Yes today it seems that Mr Cherry, who like Adrian Mole is aged just thirteen and three-quarters, finally got the consent of his mum to put his papers in for Onchan in 2021.
James Cherry announces he is to stand for MHK:
So the race is now hotting up with four Onchan candidates now declared - James Cherry, Michael Leather, Rob Callister and Julie Edge. Although we are sure that there is still time for newly re-elected Onchan Commissioners lounge-lizard, and multi-tasking Manx Radio phone-in loudmouth, David Quirk to declare to widen the field even further.
If we remember correctly in October 2019 Mr Cherry announced that he was standing down as an Onchan Commissioner for personal reasons. A decision it was later claimed was actually the result of the bullying culture and a general toxic atmosphere prevailing within Onchan Commissioners which now seems to be abundantly clear. So for someone who claimed in his 2016 manifesto that he was a professional Signmaker Mr Cherry doesn't really seem to be that good at all in providing any clear signs to the public in relation to what is actually wrong in Onchan.
In his media announcement Mr Cherry's main objectives are recorded as wanting to drive long term beneficial and prosperity change to the Island. More specifically, we presume, his own beneficial prosperity change in moving to a £60,000 a year fully pensioned job from his current position of ... well we're not quite sure what that is actually. And neither is anyone else we asked!
As with all 2021 candidates we look forward to reading Mr Cherry's manifesto in due course though. Especially to see whether it does indeed deserve some sort of fruit based trophy topping. And naturally we wish him well in September.
Pictured: James Cherry recently declared 2021 candidate for Onchan:
