In an interesting take on the truth it transpires that Mr Michael Josem today took to social media to deny that reality actually exists. Instead he appears to prefer to discredit the source of perfectly legitimate information that has been in the public domain for a while - then tries to suggest that its all just a coincidence!
So with links to freely accessible public information below we again bring the following to the attention of Douglas East voters. Unfortunately we can't link directly to the information held on the IOM Companies Registry as documents are only available to subscribers - but readers are free to order the information from the registry site via the links below for the cost of a few pounds:
Manx Taxpayers Alliance Limited
As previously clarified Manx Taxpayers Alliance Limited has various records filed at IOM Companies Registry and inter alia these records show that the directors of this IOM company which is limited by guarantee (with IOM company number 134420C) are Mr M Josem and Mr A Nicholls.
IOM Companies Registry:
Kelproperties (IOM) Limited
Mr A Nicholls is also a director of Kelproperties (IOM). This can also be ascertained from IOM Companies Registry records.
IOM Companies Registry:
From its website it can be seen that Kelproperties (IOM) Limited offers various properties for sale or let. Those include 24 North Quay which is the registered office of the Manx Taxpayers Alliance Limited as well as an apartment in Hillary Wharf which is in the same building that Mr Josem lives in.

Furthermore IOM resident Mr Nicholls was until 19th July 2021 also a director of Keltruck Limited in the UK. Keltruck is a very successful transport company ultimately owned by Mr Christopher Kelly - a UK Tory party donor. Mr Kelly's son, who is also called Christopher Kelly (and who is the former Tory MP for Dudley South), is also a director of Keltruck. Mr Kelly senior lives in the IOM, and Mr Kelly junior records his residency as the IOM in various UK company filings. So up until 19th July 2021 a common director existed between Keltruck, Kelproperties (IOM) and the Manx Taxpayers Alliance Limited.
UK Companies Registry information:
In 2009 the Guardian reported that Mr Kelly Snr was one of several people behind substantial donations to the Taxpayers Alliance in the UK as well as donating £1,500,000 to the UK Tory party via his membership of the Midlands Industrial Council (the MIC).
Link to Guardian article:
All the above are freely verifiable facts with clear links to their source.
As we documented originally we should make it 100% clear that there are absolutely no accusations of any wrong doing or impropriety in relation to anyone named above. The structures named are also 100% legitimate in nature. But the trail as it presents itself certainly raises questions regarding potential or perceived conflicts that in the name of transparency (which is apparently everything that the Manx Taxpayers Alliance is about according to its website) probably do need to be clarified so that Douglas East voters can make informed decisions. In short might Douglas East voters wonder if they are being asked to vote for a LV candidate, or a Tory in disguise?
Please also see Manx Piss-takers Alliance Part Deux:
Fake news - we also note that elsewhere on social media the Facebook account of a Mr "Johnson Andrews" which attempted to discredit previous information published by this blog via posts on local Facebook politics group IOM News & Politics has been exposed as a fake profile populated with photographs stolen from a Canadian hockey player and mortgage broker. So we ask is it an Australian thing?
