As we have already covered elsewhere in this blog he unsuccessfully stood for Legislative Council in 2019 (twice), then for Douglas South in 2020, and he is now standing for Arbory, Castletown & Malew in 2021 as Energy FM finally reports today:
In terms of other notable IOM milestones chalked up Mr Ian Clanton [who also goes by the name of HM Sole of Moraceae] also nearly bought the Castlemona Hotel until he was no doubt reminded by his lawyer that monopoly money isn't actually legal tender in the IOM, and successfully crowdfunded over four grand towards his billion pound Ecological Geophysical Galleon (EGG) project - which attempted to use Manx waters to bring Bond villain style floating lunacy to a whole new level. Its also interesting to note for posterity that amongst others who had clearly lost the plot former Southern MHK Phil Gawne was one of his advisers at that stage:
In addition let's not forget that on behalf of newly formed fake political group Ree-Vannin during a somewhat ironic series of events on Tynwald Day 2020 Mr Clanton also staged a farcical public protest which amongst other things involved erecting a 14 foot statue of Manannan in protest at what he described as a farcical ceremony taking place on Tynwald Hill.
Notably despite clearly not living on this planet at all Mr Clanton's Linkedin profile self-attests that he is an accomplished scholar and science fiction writer who explores how humans will live on this planet and beyond. He also appears to be an accomplished snake-oil salesman, dreamer, quasi dangerous svengali, and far too persistent electoral con-merchant. The reality is that when Facebook tells you that you can legitimately become a Scottish Manorial Lord for only ninety-nine quid His Majesty HM Sole really does introduce a whole new level of subscription based fakery to Manx politics.
Normally we would attempt to end a cutting and cynical opinion of a candidate with some sort of positive comment about good luck with your campaign and we look forward to reading your manifesto with interest. But in this situation its really difficult to try to counterbalance what we've said above. We suppose the choice for those in Arbory, Castletown & Malew clear is though. You could well accidentally vote for a candidate who successfully hides the fact that they're a delusional, grifting, self-absorbed, political con-merchant when they stand for election only to find out the truth in three years time based on performance in the role. So if you want to take any of the risk out of that decision making process then just vote for Mr Ian Clanton - a clear delusional, grifting, self-absorbed, political con-merchant.
Mr Ian Claptrap, HM [AR] Sole of Moraceae.
