These are another thing from Manx Radio that we like very much and they are quite effective in getting voters to know how a candidate ticks. So without further ado we go straight into David Fowler's recent Manx Radio podcast. As our title suggests there is a distinct whiff of the Accidental Partridge about Mr Fowler and we guess there must be a government facility somewhere missing an escaped half Mr Bean half Alan Partridge cyborg that they'd like safely returned before it accidentally wins an election and starts the Rise of the Machines!
Our key points of note from his frequently hard to follow and almost Forrest Gump like snapshots of simple-minded wisdom are below. The interviewer really does need a medal for handling this very professionally.
If you do live in Middle please remember that Howard Quayle has already said he won't be standing again and so its either this guy or Super Hans at the moment. The reality of this will hopefully compel someone else to stand in the not too distant future.
David Fowler's Manx Radio Podcast:
Key notes:
I stood twice in Douglas South but in hindsight the voters there are too Liberal.
In Middle they're more conservative and so better suited to my views.
Yes, basically I thought it would be easier to get in, in Middle having failed twice in Douglas South as the people of Middle seem to be much more mercenary to me.
We should privatise the airport because Phil Gawne said we could save £2m a year 10 years ago. If we had done that then we'd now be £20m better off!
It wouldn't be state ownership. We would just be the boss and tell them what to do!
Some MHKs like me. Like that nice lady MHK down the road. She thinks I'd be a good MHK. I can't remember her name.
I want to keep Zero-10 and have absolutely no concept of the current G7 debate.
I want to be a loud voice in Tynwald [when at the same time clearly being an implausibly weak and almost comical voice in this podcast]
I want as much joyousness here as possible!
Eddie Teare was Chief Minister, oh actually you're right no he wasn't!
I want to see more billionaires come here. They must employ 50 people if they come.
People should get more benefits but only if they're really badly off!
We don't want a load of poor people coming here though as we can't afford that.
Centreparcs were turned away from here by Government. Its a certain fact!
We need a theme park here to attract visitors - like a Sealife Centre!
I have done absolutely no research on this though.
I don't believe in building on greenfield sites. But I want to see a theme park built. But don't worry we won't build it on a meadow or anything!
With healthcare the problem is that they just spend money on sick people. Its not run like a business which wouldn't spend so much money on sick people.
Students would come back if there were more things to do. Like a Sealife Centre!
Vote for me as I'm the best person for the job. I'm logical and work out solutions [although apparently not in relation to theme parks, or airports, or tax or healthcare].
I think I'm quite realistic on what being an MHK entails [despite having just spent 19 minutes saying a load of totally crazy unrealistic things!]
I've got your best interests at heart. And want things to be good and bright and nice for everyone!
